What is your half-forgotten dream? What is that one thing, no matter how silly, that you cannot get out of your mind? It’s that thing that tickles your interest at the height of your success, beckoning for you to toss caution to the wind and have at least one dance around the floor with it. It’s that one hope that presents itself when you feel you are at rock bottom that teases you with the promise of happiness, success and contentment. It’s that one thing that you do not dare to mention to others out of fear of shame or feeling a fool. Maybe you have always wanted to be a circus clown, perhaps an actress. Perhaps you picture yourself painting works of art that will change the world’s view of our reality. Whatever your dream is, it is not lost forever, only half-forgotten.
Do you recall what your dream is? You may have to go a long way back in the memory bank or even to your childhood to give a gentle nudge to your creative mind. Once you have it, you may notice that it has never left you. Like a friend that has come and gone throughout your life, your dream has risen and faded from your awareness all along your journey to where you are today. Once you have your dream in mind, think through your life and try to recall how many times it has come and gone over the years.
What relationship do you have with your half-forgotten dream? For the longest time, mine was not healthy. My dream was unrealized and added stress to my life, leaving me feeling unfulfilled and without direction.
You see, these ideas that will not go away can affect us in different ways. Unpursued, they offer a feeling of not being a complete person. This takes away from our self-worth and adds stress to our day. Thoughts of “If only I could…” or “What if?” dominate our presence of mind. When we have a dream, but do not feel we are empowered to pursue it, this creates just one more thing on our list of failures. At least in our own self-defeating minds.
When we pursue them however, that is a completely different effect! When we pursue our passions and desires, our lives come quickly into balance. Gone are the questions of “What if?” Gone are the thoughts of “If only I could…” Half-forgotten dreams, moved to center stage, have the power to awaken passion, invoke talent, and bring balance that we have never-before felt. Enter the empowerment of someone, anyone, pursuing their life-long dreams and the world need only to sit back and watch as the talent unfolds before us. How many times have you seen this awakening in a friend or co-worker when they are finally living their dream? Things seem in sync and you comment to friends around you that it is obvious that they are living their passion.
So what is your relationship with your half-forgotten dream? Has it left you feeling that you are living an unfulfilled life? Or are you realizing your full potential by doing something every day to move closer to making your dream a reality.
I never knew what my dream was. I was one of those people working through life oblivious to the taunting and teasing that was nudging at my emotions along the way. As I look back on my journey, through the highs and lows and to the very beginning of my foundations, I see now that the one constant has been my passion from the beginning. That has been a desire for crafting words into a movement of expression and art.
When I recollect the lowest points in my life, I see myself with pen in hand, writing out feelings and thoughts. The words that flavor the paper in hand would guide me through the haze of misdirection and fear during those darkest of nights. Just as equally do I look back to see the best days of my life, documented with poems and song lyrics expressing my mood. Words have always been there for me and have stayed not just by my side, but in my soul, carrying me on year after year.
Once I finally understood my dream, I came to understand that I have always dreamed of changing the world through the eloquent use of words. Whether through writing, speaking, or songs and poetry, words have been my median of choice to express myself in a world that so often does not seem to have the time to stop and listen. Though I have always stayed close to writing as an outlet for my feelings, it was not until recently that I began to understand the relationship I truly have with the written word. My half-forgotten dream: to move the world through words.
If you have read this far, then you understand the power that awakening your half-forgotten dream can have. Not just a power over your life, but a power to change the world through the work you will do. A power to inspire others to awaken their dreams. The effect of people in our society living life with a feeling of empowerment, success and happiness will be a power that mere words cannot do justice to explain. The ripple effect that will be had as person after person awakens their half-forgotten dreams and brings new value to our world is immeasurable.
Finally understanding that my dream will better serve me if I pursue it, I am taking the leap of faith to go big with my dream. You are seeing the results on this site of my rebranding and pursuit of my dream. I have designed this site to highlight my writing, comedy and speaking career. Here I will share my posts in articles like this, highlights from my pursuit of a comedy career as well as creative writing such as poetry and song lyrics. As I finish my first book you will see that promoted here as well. Please help support my dream by subscribing to this site so you can receive alerts with new postings that you hopefully find entertaining, inspiring, or maybe a bit of both!
Thank you for carrying your dreams along with me on this journey together. Will you wake up tomorrow and take one step to awaken your half-forgotten dream? Please remember to subscribe to this site so that you can stay up to date on the latest posts. Thank you also for any likes and shares that you are willing to pass along throughout your social media networks. Please share your half-forgotten dream in the comments if you are brave enough to tell the world about it!
Andy Vargo is a motivational speaker, life coach and comedian who challenges you to ‘Own Your Awkward’. He is the author of the Awkward Journal series, host of the podcast, Own Your Awkward, and shares thoughts and ideas in his blog and video series available at awkwardcareer.com.
image courtesy of aylin toklutepe @freeimages