So by the time you settle in to your work day, you may naturally be ready for a break from the whole scene. Perhaps you grab a cup of coffee, enjoy the quiet of the morning office and take solitude in the break from the campaign front. It is just in time too, because just the sound of one more ad, or the site of one more meme will push you over the edge.
into the FIRE
Your reaction is no surprise then, as you sign into LinkedIn, only to feel like you took a jump from the political frying pan right into the fire. It seems that social media has a way of throwing political agendas in your face, even when you expect to be on a highly professional network.
Why would my network bring their politics into a business setting? How many Clinton health issues do I need to see? How many times do I need to see a note about Trump’s tax records? Do I really need to log into LinkedIn to be reminded that these are the choices? What value do these posts bring to my professional network?
So have you really thought about that last question? What is the value in bringing the political campaign to the center stage of a professional networking site such as LinkedIn? Perhaps I could pose a few more questions to help find some value:
- What business will not be affected by the policies and laws enacted by the winner of the upcoming election?
- Will your business feel the effects of new tax laws?
- Will your business be affected by environmental policies, healthcare or payroll taxes?
I suppose I should ask: Who will not be affected by these things? I would dare to say that there is not one person reading this that will not feel the effects of our nation’s choice this November, both on a personal and professional level.
If you are with me so far, then you may allow me to go so far as to claim that this, in actuality, is the BEST place for political activity. LinkedIn is a place where you can reach a wide audience. An audience with a lot at stake in the upcoming election. No matter which way the pendulum swings this fall, the group of professionals logging into LinkedIn daily are among the most influential, educated and politically affected on the globe.
What better place to ignite a political discussion? Who better to hear an opposing viewpoint from than a well informed professional with something at stake? LinkedIn is a place to take the discussion to a higher level. A chance to not only share your concerns and your perspective, but to also hear from others with diverse backgrounds and varying viewpoints.
It is worth mentioning though, that there is a part of the discussion that offers no value. In fact, it has the opposite effect. Those are the memes, GIFs, and unflattering images of candidates that share half truths of their past. All with the goal of starting rumors, rage or adding fuel to the fire. These lower the level of the discussion and while they can be funny in a casual group of like-minded friends, they bring no value to the conversation as a whole.
And unfortunately for those posting them, it lowers your credibility to bring value to the conversation yourself. Postings like these can hurt your personal brand and undermine your influence in your community and your network. So before you share, protect your brand and think through what you are sending out to the world. Add value and vibe not junk and jive.
Few corporations refuse to be shy when it comes to the politics of business. Whether through a political action committee, informational newsletters, or informal discussions from management about how upcoming elections could affect the health of the company. Like it or not businesses have a great deal to win or lose with each change in political favor.
If you have not already figured out, the business of politics, and the politics of business go hand in hand. Accept that as a part of your professional world and you will be able to let go of any frustrations you have around whether or not we should be having this discussion, and move that energy towards taking part in the conversation itself.
elect to TAKE ACTION
No matter your stance, take action. Decide to speak intelligently and share your viewpoint with the world. Or if you prefer, stay quiet, but follow the discussion and educate yourself on the issues at hand. Learn how they will affect you, your business, the nation, and the world. If you are already outspoken, think about your content and delivery.
- Are you delivering quality content?
- Are you bringing a fresh and constructive perspective to the discussion?
- Are you elevating the quality of the conversation or are you lowering the bar?
Whatever you are doing, do it with purpose, and whoever you are supporting, get out there and VOTE!
Thank you for electing to stay on this journey with me. I am very grateful for any of you who post this to your network through any likes and shares you are willing to give, and look forward to interacting with you in the comments section below.
Andy Vargo is a motivational speaker, life coach and comedian who challenges you to ‘Own Your Awkward’. He is the author of the Awkward Journal series, host of the podcast, Own Your Awkward, and shares thoughts and ideas in his blog and video series available at
Originally published on LinkedIn