Stay with me, this will get positive I promise! But I have to admit that in the darker recesses of my mind the thought has entered.

let’s begin with THE VIEWING

So there I am looking through my network and appreciating the strong group of connections I have built over the last couple years when I take a look to see who has recently viewed my profile.  This can be both informative and entertaining depending on who checked you out recently. Especially when you look at the analytic section to see what companies and positions your viewers are from. Some days I find new meaningful connections this way, while other days I simply enjoy the ‘caught you peeking’ feature. At times I like to view the profiles of someone I do not know who checked me out and am then humored when I remember seeing their profile days before and they were most likely looking at me because I had taken a peek at them. And so ensues the unintentional tennis match of profile visits.  All the while each side wondering why someone else is interested in them.

according to LinkedIn, PROFILE VIEWS MATTER

As soon as we click to the ‘who’s viewed your profile’ section we are immediately reminded of how important profile views are.  As LinkedIn does with so many other suggestions, up pop a few simple ideas to increase viewership.

But the importance really hits home when you notice the ‘how you rank’ tab. Of course as humans we are naturally curious, so who would not click through to check it out.  And as LinkedIn reminds us “…profile views matter.” So away I click to check out my standings.

time to see HOW I RANK

The first time I viewed my ranking I remember a feeling of surprise and good thoughts. It was not that I was so high among the ranks as much as an appreciation for where I was among the crowd.  But come back tomorrow and let’s see what happens. It can of course go either way.

  • Move up in rank-good feelings take over, confidence increases and we feel like we are doing something right.
  • Move down in rank-bad thoughts creep in, what did we do wrong? Time to question career, connections and the meaning of life- ( I admit a bit dramatic but we all have our days)

This is where the questioning begins.  Who are these people I am connected with and how are they helping me?  Is there a benefit to staying connected with them or are they a roadblock to greater ambitions? How important is my rank among my network?

As we work through these questions about our profile rank, keep in mind the bigger picture. Ever have these same thoughts when someone else gets that promotion in the office?

what happens IF I DELETE

Let’s say I decide to delete those ahead of me.  Today my first target would be Ohad, who seems to make a lot of great connections both in my industry and from different regions. However with Ohad out of the way, I am on my way to the top of the food chain, the head of the class. That is at least, until someone else moves up and pushes me aside.  Would I then have to remove them as a connection as well? And what would I do if I really appreciate Ohad and truly want to stay connected? How small would I make my world as I would continually trim my network down one connection at a time.  My update feed would become quiet. Less of the informative news and insights that I have become accustomed to reading would come my way. But I would be number one.  Be it one out of 400, 200, 50 or at last one alone.  I could log on daily to look at my name on the top of the ranks and sit in the virtual silence as no news would come my way. Sounds like a pretty lonely place to be and seems to go against the point of having a network in the first place.

what happens IF I DON’T DELETE

Now on the flip side, let’s stay the course.  I put my ego aside for a moment and learn to appreciate the benefits of those ahead of me.

I will continue to see those around the world that Ohad connects with.  People in places I may have otherwise not searched out or had the opportunity to learn from.  I would learn valuable life lessons from the messages and posts of Gurdeep, who’s ever-caring perspective helps keep us rooted in a positive outlook. And finally I would not miss out on all the great tips and links that Jerome shares and likes daily from his powerful network, as well as his writings to help us succeed. This is a positive and powerful group to stay connected with.


Now I have to answer this question for myself. Do profile views really matter? After careful examination of the benefits of my network, balanced against the ambition to race to the top, I believe that I have found my answer.  It all comes down to your perspective to see it from the right point of view.

  • Yes profile views matter, but not as much as having a strong network.
  • Yes profile views matter but not at the expense of a smaller network.
  • Yes profile views matter but not to become number one, rather to engage often in your community.
  • Yes profile views matter when they are based on quality interaction and not a race to hit a number.
  • No your rank is not important beyond being a benchmark to your activity withing your network.
  • No your rank is not as important as the quality of connections you interact with.


Whether here on LinkedIn or back in the office it’s time to head out now and go appreciate the network around us.  How can we show our appreciation and learn to have quality interaction with the group?  Below are a few things to consider to make sure you are having the most meaningful interactions you can.

  • Like and share articles and posts by your friends. They are stepping out by sharing a part of themselves and always appreciate the feedback.
  • Add positive and meaningful comments to articles and posts.  A different point of view is great but keep your comments constructive to carry on the dialogue.
  • Join and participate in a group.  Add your thoughts, experience and ideas to group discussions to get to know others as well as offer new insights from your perspective.
  • Endorse your connections.  A simple way to show you appreciate someone or have faith in their abilities is to click the endorse button on their profile.  Think of it as an easy way to put a smile on someone’s face today.
  • Use the simple suggestions LinkedIn offers to increase your views and keep in touch with your network.

Thank you for continuing to connect with me on this journey. Especially thanks to my network friends Jerome, Ohad and Gurdeep who have allowed me to use them as examples.  As always I appreciate any ‘likes’ and ‘shares’ you may offer, as each one puts a smile on my face.  To receive an update when I make future posts please be sure to click the ‘follow’ button above. And for your point of view, please add a comment below.

Andy Vargo is a motivational speaker, life coach and comedian who challenges you to ‘Own Your Awkward’. He is the author of the Awkward Journal series, host of the podcast, Own Your Awkward, and shares thoughts and ideas in his blog and video series available at

Originally published on LinkedIn 

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